With the completion of a major expansion on the east side, in August 2010, Papa John’s Cardinal Stadium at the University of Louisville solidified its reputation as a premier college football facility and extrordinary community asset. The dramatic expansion increases the stadium capacity to 55,000 seats and provides exciting, state of the art features for fans of every type.
New premium seating includes the PNC Club and loge area with capacity of 1750. Three bars service the luxury club space, accessed easily from the seating, and the loge offers an expansive view of the football field from inside comfort. The addition also provides 33 new luxury suites with stairways and a balcony overlooking the PNC Club. Suites and the PNC Club are serviced by five elevators.
Another fan-friendly aspect of this expansion is the construction of the Norton Terrace that connects the east and west sides of the stadium seating bowls via a 60-foot wide concourse veranda overlooking the playing field. The area includes concessions and restrooms accessible from the seating areas.
The UPS flight deck is the new upper concourse and seating area. High above the field, these 1000 new chairback seats offer great views of the game from a rare vantage point which is sure to become popular with fans. Numerous concession stands and restrooms service the Flight Deck for the convenience of fans who have the option of using an accessible speed ramp for entry and exit.
The expansion also provides new 20’x60′ Daktronics video wall as well as a new video wall visible from the outside south of the stadium and enhanced video sign on Central Avenue south of the stadium.
These new features join the other amenities that garnered a reputation for Papa John’s Cardinal Stadium as an outstanding venue since its opening in 1998. The Brown and Williamson Club provides a flexible upscale space for private and community gatherings of all types from wedding receptions to trade shows and expos. Along with the 29 original luxury suites and all-chairback seating, the original stadium encompasses 1800 premium club seats. Papa John’s Cardinal Stadium sets the standard for fan friendly university athletic facilities.
Calhoun Construction served as General Contractor/Trade Contractor for a systematic repair and rehabilitation of the concrete around the aisle railings throughout the stadium in 2015.
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Year Completed: 2015
Project Location: Louisville, KY
Contract Type: General Contractor/ Trade Contractor
Timeline Photos
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