At Calhoun Construction Services, safety is paramount. Our employees and subcontractors are not just bodies to finish a task. Every worker on every jobsite needs to go home exactly how they came to work that day. We stress this from the top down.
Policies, procedures and site inspections are designed to ensure safe environments. We offer workers incentives to operate safely. We have signs, equipment, and regular meetings to stress safety. But we also know that worksite safety is rooted in care and compassion. We get to know our employees and our subcontractors. We know what sports their kids play and what they like to do on the weekends. We get out in the field, look our workers in the eyes, and tell them “I care about you.”
We don’t just talk about a quality safety program, we have the numbers to prove it. Anything below an EMR of 1.0 is considered very good. Calhoun operates at around 0.67 EMR. People are our priority, and we will continue to work our hardest to keep our people safe.